New Game Features:

1. Modified each level to have a higher number of enemies than the pervious level positioned uniquely to increase the difficulty of the game.

2. Level 4 utilizes a new asset as the "Boss" of the fleet. This "Boss" game object is significantly more powerful than the other enemies such that it takes more bullets to kill this game object, and if the player were to collide with the boss, the player would instantly lose a life, while the boss would sustain no damage. Since this is the final level, the level can be cleared ONLY if the boss is killed, regardless of how many other enemies are killed. The game object was designed in Blender before being brought into Unity.

3. Since the Boss is a different kind of enemy, a new script component called "Boss" was derived from the Enemy component, and attached to the Boss' game object.

4. In level 4, the boss' real-time health is visible on the top of the play area as a part of the UI. The health text is updated every time a player bullet hits the boss. The implementation of this feature extends across the GameManager component, the Boss component, and a newly-built Boss Health Display component, which is attached to and mainly responsible for updating the boss' health text in the UI.

5. Since levels 3 and 4 are the two most difficult levels of the game, the player has the ability in both levels to teleport back to the starting position for a limited number of times regardless of their location in the play area. This can help the play rescue themselves out when they feel trapped by the enemies. The player can teleport by pressing "T" on the keyboard. In level 3, the player can only teleport a maximum of 3 times, while in level 4, they can teleport a maximum of 5 times. The implementation of this feature extends across the GameManager component, the Controller component, and a newly-created Teleport Count Display component, which displays the number of teleportations that the player has left through a TextMeshPro object at the bottom left of the screen.

6. In the Main Menu, the instructions were added into the Instructions game object indicating the keys to move and how to point and shoot with the mouse.


The game was created by Shantanu Ingalagi under the instruction of Professor Brian Winn at Michigan State University.

Published 17 hours ago
PlatformsHTML5, Windows, macOS
Made withUnity


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